(Re)Architecting a Community

- Veranstalter
- IAC: the information architecture conference
- Webseite
- https://www.theiaconference.com/
Behind every community is a great planner — said by a great information architect somewhere. Acknowledging the transition of change, the global board behind World IA Day shares its story of continuity and perseverance amidst ambiguity to [re]charge the community. In its journey to (re)defining WIAD as an org vs an annual event, World IA Day presents its process through:
- (re)structuring the org as a nonprofit
- (re)connecting through listening/user research, workshops, interviews, surveys
- (re)fining definition of a community
- (re)visiting “What is Information Architecture?”
The global board behind World IA Day demonstrates how information architecture practices are used to (re)define and (re)connect a community through communication, transition, and organization.
This talk will be presented by Andrea Rosenbusch together with Grace Lau.
IAC: the information architecture conference, April 18th-23rd 2022
From April 18th – 23rd we will [Re]Connect as a community of practitioners dedicated to learning together with our fellow Information Architects, Designers, Content Strategists, Researchers and Product Managers. As this conference has done for 23 years, we will come together to [re]invigorate our shared passion for this field and our good work with these talks, presentations, workshops, and social activities — all online.