Veranstaltungsgrafik von «Speculative Futures Zurich». Der Titel lautet: «#3 Climate as a driver for change». Im Hintergrund eine Luftaufnahme eines schmelzenden Gletschers mit dunklem Wasser. Links oben das Logo von Speculative Futures Zurich.


Mai 2021
18:00 – 19:30
Speculative Futures Zurich / Zeix

About the Speculative Future Zurich Meetup

Design as a tool to speculate about the possible, desirable, or completely impossible future. This Meetup is for anyone interested in Speculative Design, Critical Design, Design Fiction, Discursive Design, Strategic Foresight, Science Fiction and Futurism. We invite people to show us what the future might look like. We make the future tangible in collaborative workshops.

We are a member of the Futures Design Initiative which brings together local communities on „Speculative Futures“ with meetups around the world.


#3 Meetup: Climate as a driver for change

It’s time for us to get together again, to create better futures with Speculative Design!

We are very excited that joining us is Chris Luebkeman, leader of the Strategic Foresight Hub in the Office of the President at ETH Zurich and the former global director for foresight, research, and innovation at Arup. He is an inspiring speaker with many insights on the drivers of contemporary global change in our cities and societies.

After getting inspired with Chris, we will collaboratively identify possibilities and drivers of change in our cities or immediate surroundings. Perhaps one or the other idea takes off after the meetup when you meet the right people there.


Details & Registration

Location: online (Zoom)
Language: English
Cost: Free

Details & Registration